Wocsy Art
Wocsy is a modern artist with a unique artstyle in paintings and installations.
The Wocsy Journey
Zeedijk 686 Knokke
Wocsy at staat tentoon in de expo hebberecht in Knokke Zoute. U kan het artikel lezen op Het nieuws van West-Vlaanderen
Elke zaterdag, zondag en maandag van 14:00 - 18:00 kan je de kunst komen bezichtigen.
Hedendaagse Kunst
Born in the clay of Flanders, Wocsy started his artistic curriculum studying graphical art at RISKO in Antwerp. As he was not immediately ready to express himself graphically, he first embarked on a tour around the world as a DJ.
Fifteen years ago, he finally achieved to exhibit his first paintings. To his own surprise most of his exhibited work was immediately bought by Marc Hoet, nephew of the SMAK curator Jan Hoet. From then on, his artistic career accelerated substantially.
The inspiration for his work is based on two pillars. The first is political conflict, such as the manifestations at the Tahrir place in Cairo and the coup in Bangkok. In both these milestone events Wocsy happened to be on site when the skirmishes suddenly developed. Coincidence?
The second inspiration is the underwater world. Scuba diving has been a great passion for him. This fascination even led him to hire a basin to paint on the back of domesticated dolphins.
Throughout his career Wocsy has developed his particular art style, and it’s up to experts to categorize it accordingly. His exceptional style was maintained when he introduced himself to the world of Virtual Reality, hence Wocsy V-Art & Lobster art was born.
Latem Leven
Wocsy was featured in the popular Belgian TV show Latem Leven